FLEXIBLE — Polymer Modified Cementitious Waterproofing Coating
CN2000C® + CN2000D®
The waterproof material CN2000®C & CN2000®D (CN2000®C‐D FLEXIBLE) is a polymer/latex and cement composite coating. It has a dual function of volatilization solidification and reaction solidification.
After thoroughly mixing CN2000®C and CN2000®D in the proper ratio and applying to the substrate surface, a polymer latex is formed which wraps the cement granules present on the substrate surface. The latex dehydrates and becomes a form of continuous rubber membrane with an engineered strength and elasticity.
The cement absorbs other water to cause a hydro-‐reaction and develops into insoluble crystals. The crystal combines with the above-‐mentioned rubber membrane forming an impenetrable waterproof coating with an integrated structure.
The CN2000®C‐D coating membrane has a designed elasticity and can be utilized in the waterproofing of expansion joints and deformation joints of concrete construction. It can also be used in waterproofing of concrete structures that are permanently immersed in water.
CN2000®C‐D can be utilized in large areas of waterproofing that have been previously coated with CN2000®B, rigid waterproof material to enhance the coating with flexible properties.
CN2000®C‐D can be used as a coating film over CN2000®B that has not cured to ensure its proper hydration during the curing process
How To Use
For mixing, application, disposal, First Aid, warranty and other information, please download the Product Data Sheet.
CN2000®C‐D can be utilized in the following projects for waterproof and anticorrosion in structurally sound concrete structures.
- Highway Overpass Structures
- Bridges and Piers
- Underground and Tunnels
- Mining
- Potable Water Facilities
- Sewage Treatment and Transport
- Hydro Electric Facilities
- Seaports and Seaways
- Swimming Pools
- Ponds and Waterfalls
- Lavatories and Kitchens
Key Benefits
All technical performances of CN2000®C‐D achieve or exceed national and industrial standards.
- CN2000®C‐D is water‐soluble and is non-‐toxic, odorless and flavorless; it’s safe to the human body and is non-‐polluting to the environment.
- Environmentally Friendly Product
- Application is executed at normal temperatures. The CN2000®C‐D coating is thin and the application procedure is simple and quick. Curing requires only natural air-drying.
- CN2000®C-D can firmly adhere to materials such as concrete, marble, wood, glass, plastics, metal, etc.
- Coating varies with the shape of the concrete substrate surface without joints. CN2000®C‐D can be applied by trowel, brush coating, or spray coating. CN2000®C‐D is extremely flexible and has high strength.
- CN2000®C‐D has superior resistance to the effects of extreme temperature variations and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, oxidation, and carbonation. (effective at temperatures of up to 160°C)
- Its freeze-‐thaw resistance and anticorrosion abilities are superior. CN2000®C‐D can be utilized in any project exposed to water, seawater and/or soil with high salinity.
Technical Information
Packaging & Storage
- CN2000®C (Liquid Latex) 25kg Sealed Plastic Pail with pour spout.
- CN2000®D (Dry Material) 25kg Sealed Plastic Pail.
- CN2000®C: When stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight, between 5°C‐ 40°C, in the original packaging unopened and undamaged, the shelf life is 1 year.
- CN2000®D: When stored in a dry place, between 5°C ‐ 40°C, in the original packaging unopened and undamaged, the shelf life is 2 years.
- Data Sheet EN / FR