
Toronto Transit Commission Station

Major ceiling leak in electrical room


Toronto Transit Commission


North York Station, Toronto, Ontario

Project Type

Concrete repair & Waterproofing

Toronto Transit Commission Station

Major ceiling leak in electrical room


The Toronto Transit Commission was struggling with a major ceiling leak in the electrical room at one of the stations.

The challenges facing us were:

  • Previous interim solution had been to hang a copper drain pan and pipes, so these required removal.
  • Working within confines of electrical room and electrical equipment.


The Toronto Transit Commission has a permanent solution to the water leak in the electrical room at this station and their union employees were trained by Kelso Coatings staff in the preparation and application of the waterproofing solution.

Because of the success of the project, Kelso Coatings is on the Toronto Transit Commission’s Approved Vendor list.

Process & Highlights

  • All surfaces in the electrical room had to be cleaned of all contaminants and prepared for the waterproofing solution application.
  • Two coats of CN2000B® were applied on the surfaces within the electrical room.
  • After the application of CN2000B®, a single coat of CN2000C® and CN2000D® were applied to maintain the hydration required for the CN2000B® to cure according to specifications.
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